Nearby Communities
Belle IsleOpens in new tab
4503 Cove Drive, Orlando, FL 32812
Phone Number (866) 933-0396- Beds: 1 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 817 -to 1570
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment, Student.
$1,042to - $2,199Apply Now
Fountains at Lingo CoveOpens in new tab
6532 Pershing Ave., Orlando, FL 32822
Phone Number (855) 271-2863- Beds: 1 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 681 -to 1506
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment.
$1,093to - $1,628Apply Now
Fountains at Pershing ParkOpens in new tab
3138 Pershing Park Drive, Orlando, FL 32822
Phone Number (844) 393-9909- Beds: 1 -to 2
- Sq. Ft.: 651 -to 1192
- Baths: 1 -to 2
- Type: Apartment, Affordable.
$1,056to - $1,824Apply Now
Marbella Pointe and Marbella CoveOpens in new tab
7528 Marbella Pointe Dr, Orlando, FL 32822
Phone Number (844) 392-4871- Beds: 1 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 822 -to 1460
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment, Student.
$1,199to - $2,199Apply Now
River Ridge ApartmentsOpens in new tab
9957 Hidden River Drive, Orlando, FL 32829
Phone Number (844) 364-5045- Beds: 2 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 849 -to 1516
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment.
$1,299to - $1,642Apply Now
Vista PinesOpens in new tab
1030 Vista Haven Circle, Orlando, FL 32825
Phone Number (844) 210-3296- Beds: 3 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 1046 -to 1197
- Baths: 2 -to 3
- Type: Apartment.
$1,344to - $2,213Apply Now
Retreat at Valencia Apartment HomesOpens in new tab
8413 Valencia Village Lane, Orlando, FL 32825
Phone Number (877) 214-3617- Beds: 1 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 814 -to 1454
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment, Student.
$1,139to - $2,124Apply Now
Lexington Court ApartmentsOpens in new tab
315 W. Concord Street, Orlando, FL 32801
Phone Number (855) 897-4398- Beds: 1 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 565 -to 1102
- Baths: 1 -to 2
- Type: Apartment, Student.
$975to - $2,009Apply Now
Dean Woods PlaceOpens in new tab
9871 Dean Woods Place, Orlando, FL 32825
Phone Number (855) 340-9911- Beds: 3 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 1060 -to 1060
- Baths: 2 -to 2
- Type: Apartment.
$1,250to - $1,462Apply Now
Landstar ParkOpens in new tab
1001 Landstar Park Dr., Orlando, FL 32824
Phone Number (866) 405-7615- Beds: 1 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 644 -to 1506
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment.
$1,109to - $1,650Apply Now
Amelia CourtOpens in new tab
659 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, FL 32801
Phone Number (833) 659-4802- Beds: 1 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 402 -to 1572
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment, Student.
$1,199to - $2,876Apply Now
The Villages on Millenia ApartmentsOpens in new tab
5000 Millenia Blvd, Orlando, FL 32839
Phone Number (844) 608-8491- Beds: 1 -to 4
- Sq. Ft.: 814 -to 1454
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment, Student.
$1,312to - $2,199Apply Now